
News and resources on digital currencies, crypto assets and crypto exchanges worldwide.

Blockchain Loyalty Programs - Sizzling Or Fizzling?
Ketharaman Swaminathan

Ketharaman Swaminathan

  Never expected Visa to enter the loyalty management space but here we are: Visa unveils Web3 customer loyalty platform.
Programmable money startup Pave Bank moves out of stealth
Andrew Smith

Andrew Smith

  I think Programmable banking is the future of banking, blend that capability with the rapid developments in AI and you can soon see the end of banks having to provide PSD2/Open Banking type API specifications, simply because integrators can simply program that capability directly into the bank core....There are so many benefits to this over the rather dated approach of APIs and tokens used for granting third party access. Pave also shows that, any form of digital money is programmable, including FIAT. It's not just about programming the asset, its about programming how it is held, and what you want to do with it, including access - thats a programmable personal bank. Massive congratulations to the team, its a fantastic advancement in finance....
Dimon blasts bitcoin
Alex MacCaskill

Alex MacCaskill

  Dimon is quoted as saying,  “The only true use case for it is criminals, drug traffickers … money laundering, tax avoidance.” Maybe his final four words were excluded, "...and that's our job."
Dimon blasts bitcoin
A Finextra Member

A Finextra member

  Fortunately Jamie Dimon is not "the government". Fortunately Senator Warren cannot, on her own pass laws and then sign into law the banning of crypto. For that there is a process, like in any normal democracy. And even if a law would be passed and signed into law, that would still not close down crypto. It is sad that Jamie Dimon is not more educated on crypto, I understand Senator Warren is probably too old to get it. But the use case for crypto really is not just criminal, tax avoidance. Just like bans are not only used by criminals. Because if you regulate it in the right way (like in Europe for example and few other countries) you can do the right AML / KYC. Just like in banking where still criminal things happen, in spite of all the controls.
Níamh Curran

Are stablecoins the next opportunity in payments?

Níamh Curran - Senior Reporter - Finextra